Loving the Gospels

One of the main passions of my life is to see people enter into long loving hours of meditation upon the life of Christ in the gospels. My hope is that this page will help spark a fire to enter into this. I find that if a missionary has spent time prayerfully studying and meditating upon the Life of Christ then when Muslims Challenge the authenticity of the gospels (and they will) then we will be able to effectively answer their questions. And more than that show them that Christ is the highest treasure to be adored and worshiped.

Throughout church history the gospels have been the highest treasure in the heart of believers. For centuries our brothers and sisters in Christ have consistently given themselves to long loving hours of meditation upon their very God walking, talking, eating, drinking, laughing, crying, sighing, and dying before their very eyes. In today's contemporary expression of Christianity the church is more concerned with extracting a biblical principle from a story to create a self-help concept. This degradation leaves the gospels sounding more fictional than historic and leaves us with preeminent concept being “how does this story apply to my life” rather than “the story of His life is precious to me”. All the things that Jesus said and did 2000 years ago are extremely applicable to us because we love Him and want to know everything about Him including all that He did and said but primarily from a devotional perspective to gaze upon Him as a person with biblical principles being a distant secondary pursuit. We must return to musing over the stories and discourses in the gospels until our hearts have the same response to the person of Christ as the people in the crowds...astonished, marveling, terrified, rejoicing and falling at His feet crying you truly are the Son of the Living God.

“God could reason as follows: If I have already told you all things in My Word, My Son, and if I have no other word, what answer or revelation can I now make that would surpass this? Fasten your eyes on Him alone because in Him I have spoken and revealed all and in Him you will discover even more than you ask for and desire. You are making an appeal for locutions and revelations that are incomplete, but if you turn your eyes to Him you find them complete. For He is My entire locution and response, vision and revelation, which I have already spoken, answered, manifested, and revealed to you by giving Him to you as a brother, companion, master, ransom, and reward.” - St. John of the Cross

“If the believer would enter into a better, deeper, fuller knowledge of God he must prayerfully study the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the scriptures! Let this be made our chief business, our great delight, to reverently scrutinize and meditate upon the excellencies of our Divine Savior as they are displayed upon the pages of Holy writ. Then, and only then, shall we ‘increase in the knowledge of God’. The ‘light of the knowledge of the glory of God’ is seen only ‘in the face of Jesus Christ.’” - A.W. Pink